Coloring Pages – Week 3

While the eldest is at school, my 3-year old daughter chooses the subject, I do a sketch, and my daughter paints it.

This week, it’s Beenie Baby snake and little Piglet.

Since school began, my kids have been collecting brown glossy seeds from a carrot wood tree outside my son’s classroom.  Each week, we’d end up with at least 3 empty food containers (pilfered from the lunchbox) filled with these seeds.  We attempted turning them into beads by drilling a hole in each seed, but that failed.  The soft inside is surrounded by an air space and the outside is a very thin casing.  When I tried drilling, they’d simply explode.  I thought we’d try the snake’s pattern with them (here mixed with a bag of miscellaneous old soup beans). 

Here’s what my daughter did:

Big brother liked the snake drawing, so I did one for him too:

And his decoration (cute tree, isn’t it?):

Here’s my little piglet drawing…

and my daughter’s painting.  I absolutely love her signature mark – splashing color at the bottom of the page:

Published by ellagerman

I'm an artist pursuing my dream of writing and illustrating children's books.

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