Coloring Page – Week 10

While the eldest is at school, my 3-year old daughter chooses the subject, I do a sketch, and my daughter paints it. Despite my quest to produce more drawings tailored to children’s book publishing, these sketches are just too much fun for my daughter and I to give up.  Children’s paintings can be inspiring, and it’s especially refreshing to view art produced by a childContinue reading “Coloring Page – Week 10”

Coloring Pages vs. The Mood Files

While the eldest is at school, my 3-year old daughter chooses the subject, I do a sketch, and my daughter paints it. Well, enough of that easy cheesy life sketching stuff.  I got to get serious about creating work for my illustration portfolio!  So this is my idea:  Daughter will give me a subject as my source of inspirationContinue reading “Coloring Pages vs. The Mood Files”

Coloring Page – Week 8

While the eldest is at school, my 3-year old daughter chooses the subject, I do a sketch, and my daughter paints it. This week, it’s a little red birdie with 2 fish friends.  I know, the fishies look like a couple of freaky disembodied heads.  It was Daughter’s choice for the drawing angle.    My sketch… and my daughter’sContinue reading “Coloring Page – Week 8”

Coloring Page – Week 6

While the eldest is at school, my 3-year old daughter chooses the subject, I do a sketch, and my daughter paints it. This week it’s a hard object, a toy train. It never fails to surprise me how a relatively simple object can be full of unexpected complexity.  When my daughter handed me this train my response was aContinue reading “Coloring Page – Week 6”

Coloring Pages – Week 5

While the eldest is at school, my 3-year old daughter chooses the subject, I do a sketch, and my daughter paints (or colors) it. This week features a baby toy so colorful even the older kids can’t stop playing with the thing.  It’s a soft snail that has a bunch of feel-the-different textures, objects, mirror and such that allContinue reading “Coloring Pages – Week 5”

Kitties at Play – With an Egg Timer

I gave myself 30 minutes.  Then I cheated and gave myself 15 minutes more to finish some highlights and background.  Still, quite a bit more “fresh” than the other one, no?  I really can’t decide which one I like better.  This one or this one?  These are just too darn easy to draw realistic.  ThoughContinue reading “Kitties at Play – With an Egg Timer”

Coloring Pages – Week 4, Plus a Confession

While the eldest is at school, my 3-year old daughter chooses the subject, I do a sketch, and my daughter paints it. This week it’s two of her Beenie Baby kitties at play. Now here’s the confession.  I’ve secretly wanted to color in my coloring pages along with my daughter!  But watching the little ones paint left me with noContinue reading “Coloring Pages – Week 4, Plus a Confession”

Coloring Pages – Week 3

While the eldest is at school, my 3-year old daughter chooses the subject, I do a sketch, and my daughter paints it. This week, it’s Beenie Baby snake and little Piglet. Since school began, my kids have been collecting brown glossy seeds from a carrot wood tree outside my son’s classroom.  Each week, we’d end up with atContinue reading “Coloring Pages – Week 3”

While the Cats Away…

the mice will play!  While the eldest has been away at school, the girls and I have been painting.  Well they paint while I anxiously watch out for splatter on the walls, paint-loaded brushes getting too close to hair, and tipping over water jars.  The little one experiments with watercolor or a single acrylic color and gets toContinue reading “While the Cats Away…”